Between garage and electronic workshop
I come from a modest family
I stopped studying very early to help my parents
When I was 15 I walked into a car garage to learn a trade: mechanics.
Being very young, my role was to do some light tasks for adults.
Two years after my uncle who worked in a fuel distribution company with a car garage inside,
took me under his wing.
a year later my boss, an employee in this company, had a parallel garage and ended up settling there as his representative.
I stayed there for four years before meeting Moussa an electronics expert who transformed my life.
Moussa was a very equipped video game repairer (generators, oscilloscopes …)
I often came to watch him work, I listened to his discussions with other technicians, although I couldn’t understand a thing. I watched them and listened to them religiously without understanding the terms used.
I came every day at 6 p.m. after the garage closed and stayed until 10 p.m., so in the morning in the garage and in the evening with Moussa.
This is where I started my first creations: a radio made with recycled parts:
An intercom installed at the door of our house,
An FM transmitter to broadcast music in the neighborhood
02 years later I am going back to school for training in electronics and computer science.
I repaired almost all electronic devices
I participated in the installation of the first fablab in Senegal
To conclude, I would say that learning by doing based on spotting is very important.
I was a specialist in electro-mechanics and my only secret was to take benchmarks.
Before disassembling a mechanism, I marked the intersection between the different gears.
This is why I ask learners to observe well, to take cues, notes to facilitate documentation.