Category: Cohort 2 Fellows

Megachanges and programming curricula

Seymour Papert of the MIT Media Lab, whose ideas strongly influenced the maker movement, was among the first to propose that computers could be powerful tools to support learning, allowing kids to express themselves in meaningful ways and to reflect on their own thinking process while creating programs. In his speech at the the World… Read more »

Good start up resource

Not sure if you all saw this, but we love Dale’s guide to starting up a Makers Space.  Here it is. makerspaceguide

What do I do differently in my professional life as a result of FabLearn 2016?

My instant reaction was to pause, and reflect on what is my “professional”, since the roles I play in my life, educator, studio artist, mother, curious person, all seem to meld together……in what seems to be a constant quest for a fully integrated life, I suppose. Back to the original question – This experience has… Read more »

Alphonse Is a Stanford Fablearn Fellow!

How is it possible to keep such gorgeous news unpublished for about two months? By the time I wrote this blog post, I tried to find the reason to why I didn’t release such good news in advance. Oops, I don’t have any reason in mind! Wait-wait, I get one! Over the past two months, I… Read more »

This Is (More Than) a Keychain

With Edith Ackermann centerstage, what can start out as a question about keychains can quickly turn into a “masterclass in education theory”.  To get the full context, check out Dr. Ackermann’s brilliant lecture at the 2016 FabLearn Conference here (the part about keychains and designing with purpose starts around minute 54).  So how do we go… Read more »

Fablearn: the most amazing conference you (probably) never heard of

Them: “What are you up to this weekend?” Me: “Going to San Francisco for a conference.” Them: “For the weekend? What conference?” Me: “Fablearn, at Stanford.” Them: “What’s ‘Fablearn’?” Me: “Well, it’s…” And so went many conversations as Fablearn 2016 approached. It would be my second time attending, but the first as a newly-minted Fablearn… Read more »

Papert’s Perestroika

During the FabLearn Conference at Stanford University this fall, Dr. Edith Ackermann, presented a captivating and inspiring presentation to her audience. In her keynote, she briefed the audience about the Maker Movement, she spoke on the importance and essence of play, and spoke in high regards about the founding members who helped shape and transform… Read more »

I’m a FabLearn Fellow and So Can You!

Woot! I’m excited to announce that I was selected as a Stanford FabLearn Fellow. While I’m very proud to be a part of the Fellows cohort there isn’t anything magic about being selected. I’ve posted my application at 2016/07/09/fablearn- fellowship-application/. (I also applied in 2014 and wasn’t selected.) The FabLearn Fellows program isn’t an… Read more »

Innovation Literacy and the STEM Monster

Ask…. and ye shall answer your own questions “I hope to apply a strong focus on place-based making and science while here in Atlanta…I also noticed that this year’s research panel was very program and project focused, or more practical in nature. This gives me hope that higher education is stepping up to the plate… Read more »