During conversations between FabLearn fellows, the question often arises as to what is actually meant by the term “cultural making”: is it an action linked to the culture of origin or is it a human attitude that is declined according to the context of belonging? Personally, I’m becoming more and more convinced that it is… Read more »
Tag: learning
Three Things being a Maker Educator has Taught Me
In 2008 at my school ‘De Populier‘ we started with the ‘masterpiece’ project. It’s the last course before our students do their national exams. It’s a typical maker style course: students can make whatever they want as long as there is a challenge. They have to challenge themselves. It was the start of our maker… Read more »
8 grandes ideas Papert’s Eight Big Ideas translation to spanish
8 grandes ideas detrás del Laboratorio Construccionista de Aprendizaje Extracto de la tesis doctoral “An Investigation of Contructionism at the Maine Youth Center” de Gary Stager 2007. La primera gran idea es aprender haciendo. Todos aprendemos mejor cuando el aprendizaje es parte de hacer algo que nos parece realmente interesante. Aprendemos de la mejor manera… Read more »
What do they Learn?
The FabLearn conference in October 2016 signaled that Maker Education is ready for the next phase. After lots of try-outs, freedom and pleasure it’s time to face the difficult questions. How does Making in education fit into a set curriculum? When you read Papert, or ask Gary Stager, then the answer is clear. Both Papert… Read more »