Tag: Defkoakniep

Laser cutter prototyping car at Defkoakniep FabLab

This two past months, I have been working with Karimou, a Senegalese engineer. Karimou decided to work on a remote controlled cars and plans to manufacture them in Senegal. With DefkoAkNiep Lab team, we helped Karimou build his first prototype with the laser cutter. The car’s component (see video) is a mix of wooden crafts and… Read more »

Cheikh Anta Diop Fablab Academy


Cheikh Anta Diop is one of the most well-known and most brilliant African of the scientific world. He greatly contributed to knowledge on ancient African societies and has long worked for the emergence of science in the educational sector among others. Inspired by his deep commitment, our Fablab Defkoakniep (Do It with everybody), decided to… Read more »

Introducing to the procedural Design

“ProcJam (For Procedural Jam) is defined as “an international “game jam” where people make things that make things. These “things” can be software that generates images, stories, or game levels. They could also be physical projects, such as a board game with dynamic layout, a wind chime (thing that makes music), or a set of… Read more »

Experimenting the power of Hands-on-learning

When I started working as a FabLab member and then as a FabLab manager, I never thought that it will be such a great experience in term of leadership, professional and personal development. My journey as an “African Fablaber” started 4 years ago as a volunteer with an NGO in Lomé (Togo). I used to… Read more »