Can you recall the secret thrills of your childhood? The deep fascinations that enraptured you across worlds? We might call them obsessions, fixations, or phases — as doomed to end as the passing of seasons — for even as much as I was filling my room and imagination with dinosaurs, I never became a paleontologist…. Read more »
Tag: constructionism
Reflecting upon Dr Papert’s work “The Gears of My Childhood”
This is a personal reflection of Dr. Seymour Paperts work called “The Gears of My Childhood”. I’ve been in Maker education now for about 16 years and I truly believe that learning should be done through an array of modalities. I find that in my own life, I tend to learn better when I hear… Read more »
3 P’s for Constructionist Learning

Studies show that a curious mind is fertile ground for learning, so combining the freedom of play and exploration with more structured learning goals is a more powerful formula than a 100% teacher driven approach to lessons (Gruber, 2014). If you can set aside your notions about what a classroom should sound, smell or look… Read more »
8 grandes ideas Papert’s Eight Big Ideas translation to spanish
8 grandes ideas detrás del Laboratorio Construccionista de Aprendizaje Extracto de la tesis doctoral “An Investigation of Contructionism at the Maine Youth Center” de Gary Stager 2007. La primera gran idea es aprender haciendo. Todos aprendemos mejor cuando el aprendizaje es parte de hacer algo que nos parece realmente interesante. Aprendemos de la mejor manera… Read more »