Introducing basic computer science to K-12 students in Dakar

As mentioned in my last post, I am actually working on “Hands-on and heads-in ” learning program with K-12 students in the scope of the Cheikh Anta Diop FabLab Académie, “The mobile FabLab”.
Started 4 weeks ago, let me show you some results of what we have been doing so far.

School 1 : ”TIERNO SILEYMAANI BAAL”: 40 students


2- School ”Les DAUPHINS”: 33 students

In summary, we let them discover computer components and we teach them how  to use a keyboard and a mouse with games. We used open sources software called GCompris to practice while playing at the same time!
Special thanks to my team mate for their great inputs in the success of this project.
Our next training will be focused on Scratch, building Electronics and 3D printing.

You are all invited to follow us on facebook, twitter