Cheikh Anta Diop Fablab Academy

Cheikh Anta Diop is one of the most well-known and most brilliant African of the scientific world. He greatly contributed to knowledge on ancient African societies and has long worked for the emergence of science in the educational sector among others.

Inspired by his deep commitment, our Fablab Defkoakniep (Do It with everybody), decided to honor and acknowledge his dedication to science and technologies in Africa by naming our training program (or Mobile Fablab) after him: Welcome to Cheikh Anta Diop Fablab Academy!

Cheikh Anta Diop FabLab Academy aims at promoting sciences through the vulgarization of new technologies, namely digital activities and digital fabrication, Making etc.

This project’s objective is to open up an alternative, participative and experimental pedagogical curriculum to all Senegalese who wish to discover digital fabrication. With the Cheikh Anta Diop Fablab Academy, participants will no longer be passive IT consumers but active IT creators, innovators and designers who are invited to explore and develop their ingenuity, creativity and potential.

Topics related to sustainable development and concepts such “Do it yourself” & “Do it Together” will also be discussed and they are the core of Cheikh Anta Diop Fablab Academy’s trainings.

The program first target the city of Dakar, where the number of young people is important. Then, the project and the concept will be expanded to more remote areas.

Cheikh Anta Diop Fablab Academy has two components:

Component 1:

A FabLab team and volunteers will visit schools all year long with appropriate tools and equipments to provide training and organize practical workshops.


During these workshops, participants will be first introduced to IT basics and will be initiated to different components of a computer and its system unit. Then they will learn how to handle a keyboard, a mouse, and type a text. We will also have a programming training with Scratch and introduction to electronics and 3D printing.

Component 2:

The second component targets two specific groups: young people in disadvantaged areas and selected occupations such as shoemakers. It should be mentioned that in Dakar there are a large number of shoemakers who manufacture thousands of shoes daily.


We want to introduce them to digital manufacturing tools including laser cutting. We believe that training them on these digital manufacturing tools will improve their productivity and workflow and it will help them generate extra income.

The Cheikh Anta Diop Fablab Academy is an alternative education program and it will evolve, for the better hopefully, overtime. Therefore, we are looking for more content and better techniques to create and spread knowledge through practice.

You are all invited to follow and contribute to our adventures with the Cheikh Anta Diop Fablab Academy, “the Mobile Fablab” .

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