Author: Mario Parade

FabLab Potsdam / Science Shop Potsdam, Germany - - Founder of FabLab Potsdam and Science Shop Potsdam - FabLab Manager since 2012 - Working Subjects : Citizen Science, Repair Cafes, FabLab and School workshops with Kids and Students

Arduinos in the Classroom ?

This is an answer to Sylvia’s blog post: I would say from my perspective with a yes and a no (in German it is called “Jain”). It depends largely on how old the students and what is the current key content in the classroom. In classes with younger students it is certainly much better… Read more »

OpenSCAD in a classroom

In the last school year, I initiated the 3D print workshop at the Montessori School in Potsdam. One of the common problems is which method can be used in the classroom to create 3D objects. In the subsequent 3d-print there are several good open source programs in which the print can be prepared. We use… Read more »

collaborative work in the classroom with etherpad

First the good news, I am now a teacher and expert at the Montessori School Potsdam. After a year of testing, I am now responsible for the digital technologies at this school next to my work in the FabLab. In several courses, I made an introduction for students and course teachers in some tools (which… Read more »