Author: Jaymes Dec

Marymount School of New York, United States - Fab Lab Integrator at Marymount School NYC, Learning Experience Designer, Stanford FabLearn Fellow, NAIS Teacher of the Future, founder @NYCMakery, NYU ITP Grad

What I’m Reading

A few weeks ago, someone on the K-12 Digital Fabrication Google Group pointed out that there are some similarities between teaching making and teaching reading. There was a conversation about the “whole language” movement from the 1980s as well as Nancy Atwell and Laura Robb’s Reading Workshop model of teaching reading. I knew nothing about… Read more »

Advanced MaKey MaKey: Remapping Pins

The MaKey MaKey is a popular microcontroller that makes it easy to use any conductive object as an interface for a computer. When you plug a MaKey MaKey into a computer, the computer thinks you plugged in an external keyboard and mouse. So triggering the sensor inputs on the MaKey MaKey just sends keystrokes or… Read more »

My Visit to the ‘Iolani School

Aloha! During Spring Break I spent one week visiting The ‘Iolani School, a K-12 private school with over 1800 students in Honolulu, Hawaii. I was fortunate to be invited by their Head of School, Dr. Timothy Cottrell, to attend some classes, teach a few workshops, and meet with his talented technology team. This school has… Read more »

A Brief Introduction to Debugging

I did not have anything to do with this video series. It was produced by professors and students at ITP-NYU.  But I think it’s great and relevant to our community, so I am sharing it here. Enjoy and Happy New Year! “A Brief Introduction to Debugging” Written & narrated by Clay Shirky Illustration & animation by… Read more »

Hacking the Life Sciences Classroom

I recently helped to coordinate a “hackathon” with the Rockefeller University Science Outreach Program in part to address these questions: How can “making” or “STEAM” play out in the Life Sciences classroom? What role can digital design and fabrication tools have in the Life Sciences Classroom? How can physical computing tools and creative coding contribute… Read more »

Makerspace of My Childhood

This essay was written last year for the Learning Creative Learning MOOC at MIT. It was originally posted to my personal blog as a response to Seymor Papert’s classic introduction to Mindstorms, Gears of My Childhood. I thought I might be appropriate to share it here. My First Makerspace Even at the age of seven,… Read more »