Author: Daniel Schermele

Daniel Schermele is a Maker Teaching Artist at DreamYard Project, a non-profit serving the Bronx community. He piloted and now teaches maker classes at DreamYard Prep High School and at the DreamYard Art Center. His classes integrate a combination of constructivist learning, social emotional and social justice pedagogy focusing on projects that foster students' maker identities, build empathy and encourage collaboration. Daniel's curriculum integrates art and music while also drawing connections to scientific, historical and political concepts. He enjoys collaboration with other teachers and customizing his curriculum to meet individual learning needs. Daniel holds a master's in social work from Columbia University with a focus on social entrepreneurship and program design. He is currently building a business offering maker classes and "Art-Tronic Kits" to typically developing students as well as those with unique learning needs.

The Drama of Making

At the beginning of this year, I was presented with an unexpected challenge.  I would be co-teaching and developing the curriculum for a maker class for students with Individualized Education Plans (IEP).  This class includes many students diagnosed with learning disabilities who struggle in public school.  Speaking generally, many of these students are frustrated and… Read more »

IEP+P: How Makers Could Change Special Education

  One of the best makers I teach hardly ever shows up for class.  Of course I can’t use his real name, so let’s call him Andres.  When Andres does come to class, he finishes the project we’re doing in a single class.  For context, it often takes many of the other students weeks to… Read more »

This Is (More Than) a Keychain

With Edith Ackermann centerstage, what can start out as a question about keychains can quickly turn into a “masterclass in education theory”.  To get the full context, check out Dr. Ackermann’s brilliant lecture at the 2016 FabLearn Conference here (the part about keychains and designing with purpose starts around minute 54).  So how do we go… Read more »