Author: Charles Pimentel

Data Literacy: Fueling Educational Innovation in the Digital Age

  In the Data Age, where data is as valuable as oil in shaping our world, how can 21st-century schools prepare learners and educators to effectively navigate this reality?     The 21st-century school arrived over 20 years ago, a fact that the calendar does not allow us to contradict. This school finds in the… Read more »

Makerland: Exploring the Synergies Between Makerspaces and Seymour Papert’s Mathland for an Innovative Math Education

Digital Fabrication in Education – Empowering Math Classes with an Active and Meaningful Approach Introduction When it comes to the learning process of Mathematics, studies show that different factors lead students to have poor performance in the subject. Ziegler & Loos (2017) indicate that the difficulty that students have in their learning is related to… Read more »

Is ChatGPT a threat to education? For banking model of education, yes.

Artificial Intelligence: Is ChatGPT a threat? OpenAI’s ChatGPT is a newly developed Artificial Intelligence (AI) agent designed to perform high-level cognitive tasks and produce original text that is indistinguishable from the human-generated text. It is essential to highlight that AI only reproduces the processes of our society, in activities for which it was trained,… Read more »

STEM Education: Purpose, Process and Scalability

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics STEM Education finds consistent support in Maker-Based Learning through Design Thinking “STEM Education is far more than a “convenient integration” of its four disciplines, rather it encompasses “real-world, problem-based learning” that links the disciplines “through cohesive and active teaching and learning approaches” ” (STEM Task Force Report, 2014) STEM was… Read more »

“STEM Girls” – a project to encourage girls to pursue STEM careers

This text was written with the collaboration of Nicolly Figueiredo, my 11th year math student, at Polo Educacional Sesc in Rio de Janeiro. Thanks Nicolly! Motivation: On March 9, 2019, a Saturday, I was in New York City attending the FabLearn Conference, and in one of the hallways of the Teachers College (TC) at Columbia… Read more »

GoGo Board in Brazil: The Engine of Digital Inclusion

A device that transforms the traditional classroom into a space for innovation, creativity, and student entrepreneurship. In this text, I report the experience of implementing maker education activities using the GoGo Board 6, a low-cost platform for science, computer science, and robotics, which has the potential to democratize STEM education in both public and private… Read more »

Online teacher training in Mathematics Teaching: Maker Education and STEM Approach to Promoting Active Learning

This personal report is related to the context of Brazilian schools, but I believe that some of the issues I will raise in this text dialogue with other realities. ***** At the end of this year’s first semester, I was invited to organize teacher training[1] workshops for Mathematics teachers from public schools in the Brazilian… Read more »

Artificial Intelligence Club at the Polo Educacional Sesc in Rio de Janeiro

Teaching Artificial Intelligence in K-12 education through educational robotics and remote learning: the role of students and the mobilization of the school community “ Studying is not an act of consuming ideas, but of creating and recreating them. ” (Paulo Freire) The motivation to teach Artificial Intelligence in K-12 Education As it is an increasingly… Read more »

Motivation – My correlation with Seymour Papert’s reflections

These are my thoughts on the essay “The Gears of my Childhood” by Seymour Papert. There is an acient story about a young man named David, who defeated the mighty giant Goliath in an epic battle. Maybe you know this story well or maybe you have only heard about it. David was small, had no… Read more »