Michael Hurtado is a mathematician, artist, poet, technologist, and educator. He was co-founder of LimaMakers, one of the first makerpaces in Peru, co-founder of Turing: Ciencia, Tecnología y Neurodiversidad, an institution that focuses on STEAM education for children who are part of the autism spectrum, co-founder of Masmédulab, electronic poetry research collective that seeks to encourage reading through the use of digital media such as video games. Winner of some international awards for his interdisciplinary work, such as the VIDA16 award. He is part of FabLab Peru, a member of the FabLabs implementation team in Latin America. He organizes a variety of different events that spread the relationships between art, science and technology. He has experience teaching recreational math, creative code and design in elementary school, high school, and college, and created a low cost robotics toolkits and web apps to incentivize writing.